Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Influence... what? how?

Social influence ties communication and leadership. Wikipedia: Social influence occurs when a person's emotions, opinions, or behaviours are affected by others; and takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialisation, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing.

People across the globe, through various methods, for different purposes strive to influence people. It could be a business, a social cause, a vision that has an impact on the humanity or even a selfish requirement.

The fundamental principle to influence people according to Dale Carnegie from his famous book, is to "arouse in the other person an eager want." Having a title or authority does not make you a great leader or influencer. Not everyone can be a leader neither everyone can be a follower. Those who can influence the best, can take control and work out for the best outcomes. Right influence is what differentiates a leader from a manager.

With Toastmasters, the potential is unlimited. Through a series of posts on this blog, I intend to take an opportunity to discuss the perspectives of successful influencers around me and discover more on this topic called "influence".

Because everything we say and do is the length and shadow of our own souls, our influence is determined by the quality of our being. – Dale Turner

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