Thursday, 19 July 2018

Helping others | Carole McCulloch

Leaders use a variety of methods to interact, communicate and influence. It could be interpersonal communication within a group, a public speech or even a phone call. But magic happens when they maximise their impact with other technological communication streams and social media! In Toastmasters, people can now join and interact internationally in online clubs. This is a challenging and equally exciting process to influence people. In Toastmasters, members are now interacting with learning management systems to enhance their learning and preparation for becoming better speakers and leaders. The new Pathways program is also challenging, and equally exciting. How would it work? I was fortunate enough to get an answer from TM Carole, she said "Pathways is inline with latest technology. Two leadership projects from my Paths (Effective Coaching - HPL) and (Strategic Relationships - Lead in Volunteer Organisation) have helped me shape my preferred leadership style in the international community of Toastmasters". There's no doubt that Pathways projects are made to work with the way we interact in this modern world. Mentoring continues to play a vital role as well, "Working with a team (Guidance Committee and/or Steering Committee) enables me to keep on track and check my thinking." Carole added about mentoring.

Open communication, conciliation and consensus

Even within online environment, encountering situations where there is a conflict between thought processes can be expected. People definitely tend to have different styles of influence and making their points. When I checked with Carole how she handles these, she mentioned "Conflict resolution is a challenge still for me and I usually strive for a 3 step process: open communication, conciliation and consensus". I personally feel that a structured and proper approach to handling such situations must definitely be effective. I would want to learn more about her experiences in future interactions.

She further added a very inspiring and rather an opinion that each one of us should carry with us "I like this new motto for helping my teams stay focused on 'helping others'".

Being a person who is effectively leading the online movement in Toastmasters, our interaction was also online and the conversation was definitely fruitful.

1. Learn from the Pathways projects by thoroughly studying them and using them effectively in this modern world
2. Structured approach towards a situation shall be effective
3. Key principle : 'helping others'

Moreover, TM Carole is a fantastic storyteller, and she paints her imagination in terms of Toastmasters through like an exquisite piece of artwork! You should definitely visit her blog to read more at:

About TM Carole:

Carole McCulloch, DTM is an extremely enthusiastic Toastmaster from Victoria, Australia who is serving as a Leader for Division O in District U. District U is a District for undistricted clubs. In her team, she has around 30 Pathways Guides which are supporting around 160 clubs. What makes her leadership role in Toastmasters unique is the fact that she is leading a unit of clubs that is significantly different than land clubs.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Actions, Purpose and Excellence | Chandrashekhar DP

The leaders across the globe project various methods of influencing people, public speaking is one of them. When I asked about the same, CSK had a unique opinion. "I believe influence happens a lot by one's actions than anything else. When executing, individuals are extremely creative and adaptive." I couldn't agree more on the fact that one's actions have great power to create the influence that words cannot. "When we watch a sports player perform exceptionally well, we often start picking up fine nuances from his craft and internalise them into our being. This simply put, is influence by actions." summarised CSK.

"It is the purpose that gives a leader clarity, conviction and courage for his/her actions."

Having said that, there is a possibility that different types of people may have various ways of influencing people around them. This is often owing to the different leadership styles. Such differences may result in a conflict. Under such circumstances what could be a plausible solution?

When asked, CSK replied "I think this variance is the most common of the real world problems. Some leaders subscribe to a populistic style and remain democratic in their actions, while others may choose to be autocratic in their outlook. These viewpoints and styles often conflicts one another. Whatever maybe the path chosen, a leader should always remain conscious of the purpose behind the action to be able to remain successful and deliver value." He further emphasised that it is the purpose that gives a leader clarity, conviction and courage for his/her actions. "There might be multiple ways to get to a destination, but if you are anchored to the purpose, you will manoeuvre any/all situations.

"The best way to begin influencing people is to start by influencing yourself."

CSK concluded on a rather optimistic note for those who seek to become influential. He said, "often people presume it is quite daunting to influence others. That is not true. To influence people, you do not need an eligibility/qualification or the grace of a position. The best way to begin influencing people is to start by influencing yourself.” A simple example is the fact that every time you want to do a particular thing, you head a variety of voices. One might tell you to push it forward (read: procrastinate) and the other might inspire you to act immediately. If we commit to action immediately, we end up influencing ourselves and the task gets accomplished. This is the simplest way to become an influencer.

To me, the key takeaways from this water-cooler conversation (13 Jul, 2018) with CSK are:

1) The hidden power of influence in our actions
2) One’s ability to influence self and others
3) To remain anchored to purpose in your actions.

About CSK:

Dr. Chandra Shekar DP is a Past District Director - District 98 (East and Central India) at Toastmasters International. He has worked at the intersection of education and entrepreneurship for more than 12 years. CSK, as he is popularly called, has consistently advocated for people to be driven by ambition and the pursuit of excellence.

Influence... what? how?

Social influence ties communication and leadership. Wikipedia: Social influence occurs when a person's emotions, opinions, or behaviours are affected by others; and takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialisation, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing.

People across the globe, through various methods, for different purposes strive to influence people. It could be a business, a social cause, a vision that has an impact on the humanity or even a selfish requirement.

The fundamental principle to influence people according to Dale Carnegie from his famous book, is to "arouse in the other person an eager want." Having a title or authority does not make you a great leader or influencer. Not everyone can be a leader neither everyone can be a follower. Those who can influence the best, can take control and work out for the best outcomes. Right influence is what differentiates a leader from a manager.

With Toastmasters, the potential is unlimited. Through a series of posts on this blog, I intend to take an opportunity to discuss the perspectives of successful influencers around me and discover more on this topic called "influence".

Because everything we say and do is the length and shadow of our own souls, our influence is determined by the quality of our being. – Dale Turner